This morning, I was thinking about perspective. Only in the past couple of years have I started watching and reading the news. Before that, I was perfectly content living in my purple (prefer it to pink) colored reality of being isolated from "news." I was always the last person to find out about things, and when someone would ask me "did you hear about X, Y and Z?" I would proudly say "nope."
Knowledge can create a prison of sorts, but so can ignorance. Ignorance is more apt for children in the sense of lack of responsibility: I believe kids should be kids for as long as they can, because once adulthood knocks at your door, responsibility creeps in. With knowledge comes responsibility. Knowledge can create a prison, because knowledge is never absolute. It's always in motion. But sometimes, one can think it's absolute power. However, you can always learn more and when you become privy to new information, you can change your mind about how you feel about something. The news addiction isn't healthy, because sometimes, it's not presented factually, but already through some prism of opinion and it just seems to be beaten to death at times, and I feel like saying ENOUGH! So, give yourself permission to disconnect from social media, TV, phone, etc. Give yourself permission to connect within, find you truth inside, connect with what feels nice in yourself. Embrace that little piece of you that is kid-like in the sense of obliviousness and innocence on how to view the world.
Balance is a work in progress. Our body gives us so many signs of when it is out of balance, whether it is a headache, a stomach ache, a deep sense of sadness or anger. Stress is a sign to pay attention. We need to focus on what our body is trying to tell us through physical sensations and symptoms, emotions and thoughts. Our immune systems are compromised for so many reasons and when we are presented with clear signs of imbalance, we should pay attention.
Center yourself and use tools that help promote that balance, like essential oils, reiki, meditation, calling a friend and vent. Whatever feels good to you. Have a wonderful day!
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