Saturday, April 7, 2018

Videomarketing and diffusing

This past week, I went to a networking meeting dinner at the Women's Success Network, a non-profit I belong to since 2004. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month, and it's a place where you learn, network and socialize. Last Wednesday, the presenter was a former news broadcaster who now owns her own business and teaches people how to do video marketing for their business.
Through her presentation, I learned a few things. When I have done videos on essential oils education, I have used a tripod and I kept on recording, because I didn't think it came out perfectly.

My other half had noticed in my videos that it didn't seem like I was looking at the camera directly, and through this woman's presentation, I realized that I was using the selfie mode and looking at the image instead of the camera lens itself, so this weekend, I did a couple of videos and managed to directly speak to the camera, just like on TV. Check it out here.

Now, editing the darned videos is truly a pain. I had to download two different apps to be able to cut some stuff and insert text at the end of the clips. I am still working on it.

My videos were about diffusing essential oils, which is the easiest way for someone to start using these precious gifts of the Earth. I sometimes forget that I, too, was once a newbie and had no idea what I was doing. And then I decided to do one in Portuguese too!

Sometimes, I wonder what my brain is doing, as it is spread out in so many directions. My cranial network fires at will!
There are so many pots on the stove and I don't want to overcook anything. I bet there are a lot of people out there feeling the same.

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